Massively Multiplayer Online Sex Game
Its another of those days where I have some crazy idea and have to blog about it. This one is about having an online game that is focused on having sex with other online players. It was partly inspired by this article on about "Sluster", an online magazine started in this online game called "Second Life". For those not in the know, "Second Life" is a game that has taken virtual communities to a new level. I wouldn't really call it a game, because there is no objective or end point. You just live in it. You build your house, get a job, meet people. Doesn't sound like much right? But it has taken the gaming world by storm. There are people who make a living selling designing and selling digital clothes in the game, and now someone by the name of Thomas Struszka has started a porn magazine within the game. Here are some shots of the magazine:


Girl on Girl action!
Note that the girls are "real" people, as in they are characters played by other users, and they are "paid" to pose in the Sluster magazine. This is the extent in which virtual communities have evolved, and Second Life has in fact become the model for many game developers in how to create great and exciting virtual communities. Having nudity in games is the first step, sex is the logical next step.
Until somebody can suggest a better name, I shall dub this sex game "Gone Wild". Like I said earlier, the focus of the game will be to have cybersex. But this isn't just like logging in, chatting with somebody, look at your 3D figures having sex, then log-out. No, this game will have challenges, like in real life. Its not that easy to get laid. In "Gone Wild", you can play 2 roles - Superstud, or Highly Desired person. At first I only wanted to have guys as Superstuds, and girls to be Highly Desired, and that only guys have have sex with gals, but I guess these days have to be more politically correct, so in "Gone Wild", homosexuality and bisexuality is allowed.
As a Superstud, your aim is to create as many opportunities to have sex. You get more points if you get good response from partners, so you must set the mood right, sweet talk, get the foreplay right etc. You get more points also for having sex in different and more "difficult" areas. For example, having sex in the cinema bathroom will get you more points than having sex in a hotel room. The ultimate would be having sex on the plane, because you have to earn enough money to get an airticket, then "seduce" someone within a short time frame. You also get points for Highly Controversial relationships. You can take on different jobs in "Gone Wild" to earn money, so for example, if you are a Professor, and you have sex with a student, you get extra points because its Highly Controversial. Other examples would be Doctor-Patient and Stewardess-Passenger relationships. No extra points if you have sex with your secretary!
The Highly Desired role is what makes "Gone Wild" interesting and challenging. To gain points, you must have a very chaste image. It means, you must have sex without getting caught. For example, getting seen having sex in a park would drastically affect your image. Getting seen going to the hotel room with another person would also mean negative points. The more times you discreetly have sex, the more highly desired you become. And SuperStuds that have sex with Highly Desired people will obviously gain more points. Highly Desired people can also gain points by catching others in the act.
That's the gist of the idea. How I wish I had the resources to capitalize on this game concept. I'm sure I'll get many supporters... :)


Girl on Girl action!
Note that the girls are "real" people, as in they are characters played by other users, and they are "paid" to pose in the Sluster magazine. This is the extent in which virtual communities have evolved, and Second Life has in fact become the model for many game developers in how to create great and exciting virtual communities. Having nudity in games is the first step, sex is the logical next step.
Until somebody can suggest a better name, I shall dub this sex game "Gone Wild". Like I said earlier, the focus of the game will be to have cybersex. But this isn't just like logging in, chatting with somebody, look at your 3D figures having sex, then log-out. No, this game will have challenges, like in real life. Its not that easy to get laid. In "Gone Wild", you can play 2 roles - Superstud, or Highly Desired person. At first I only wanted to have guys as Superstuds, and girls to be Highly Desired, and that only guys have have sex with gals, but I guess these days have to be more politically correct, so in "Gone Wild", homosexuality and bisexuality is allowed.
As a Superstud, your aim is to create as many opportunities to have sex. You get more points if you get good response from partners, so you must set the mood right, sweet talk, get the foreplay right etc. You get more points also for having sex in different and more "difficult" areas. For example, having sex in the cinema bathroom will get you more points than having sex in a hotel room. The ultimate would be having sex on the plane, because you have to earn enough money to get an airticket, then "seduce" someone within a short time frame. You also get points for Highly Controversial relationships. You can take on different jobs in "Gone Wild" to earn money, so for example, if you are a Professor, and you have sex with a student, you get extra points because its Highly Controversial. Other examples would be Doctor-Patient and Stewardess-Passenger relationships. No extra points if you have sex with your secretary!
The Highly Desired role is what makes "Gone Wild" interesting and challenging. To gain points, you must have a very chaste image. It means, you must have sex without getting caught. For example, getting seen having sex in a park would drastically affect your image. Getting seen going to the hotel room with another person would also mean negative points. The more times you discreetly have sex, the more highly desired you become. And SuperStuds that have sex with Highly Desired people will obviously gain more points. Highly Desired people can also gain points by catching others in the act.
That's the gist of the idea. How I wish I had the resources to capitalize on this game concept. I'm sure I'll get many supporters... :)