Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Religious Conservatives taking over the U.S?

I was planning to blog about my thoughts about the Kuala Lumpur trip, which I will eventually, but after reading this article in CNN titled "Kansas School Board redefines science", I had to blog about it.

Let me quote the first few lines from the article - "At the risk of re-igniting the same heated nationwide debate it sparked six years ago, the Kansas Board of Education approved new public school science standards Tuesday that cast doubt on the theory of evolution." To quickly summarize, basically the Kansas BOE allows students to challenge the age-old Darwin's Theory of Evolution with the 'Intelligent Design' theory. The 'Intelligent Design' theory basically states that the Universe and humans are too perfect and could not have been created through evolution, but by an intelligent cause (ie God or aliens).

"Critics of the [standard] charged that it was an attempt to inject God and creationism into public schools in violation of the separation of church and state." I fully agree with this statement. I'm no Bio PhD, so I probably can't go into an in depth thesis about Darwinism vs Intelligent Design, but the simple fact is that Darwin's Theory of Evolution was based on years of study of animals, and has been backed up by evidence from in archaeology and DNA evidence, while the Intelligent Design theory is derived from religious texts.

I think that this is another example of a disturbing trend in the U.S - religious conservatives are gaining more power. And this isn't just an observation of an outsider. While travelling back from Mexico, I was chatting with a couple of college students from Fresno, California travelling to Japan on exchange, and 1 guy mentioned that he couldn't wait to get away because "the country was being taken over by the Christians". At times religious conservatism may be good, the outcry against gay marriage being the prime example (actually, they should ban gays altogther, but that's another story :P ), but there's also the extreme example where protesters bombed an abortion clinic, killing a doctor and injuring pregant women. Other examples include recent comments by a U.S Army General about Islam in front of a TV audience (nothing happened to him btw), the stepping down of the Supreme Court Judge candidate due to conservative pressure, and the protests against stem cell research by the same group of people.

History has shown that theocracies don't work. The day that a state rules by religious law instead of judicial law, and has its science governed by religious theorists instead of scientists is the day it will fall. If the trend continues, I believe the decline of the U.S as a world power will be inevitable, if it hasn't already started under George Bush.


Blogger Kevin said...

yep, thanks for the advice. I will be careful with the blogs given the current climate. But I do know that the Govt doesn't hold a favorable view on gays, so no need to worry about getting arrested for that!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

If ID has scientific evidence to support, then yes, by all means use it to replace Darwinism. But if the evidence comes from the Bible, then something is seriously wrong.

Who cares about gays? Imagine this scenario: You're bathing in a public toilet, with open cubicles, and you have a gay fucker secretly leering at you. Or how about this: You go clubbing, dancing on the dance floor, and next to you 2 guys are fondling each other. Fuck! I wouldn't want that man.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh hor hor hor! Dam cunning post. Its true that Religious Conservatism is eating at the heart of America but Phuc Dat! Every empire has its peak and downfall so I say, let them inject their bogus theory into the minds of their children. Bigotry and ignorance have been a stereotype for American ever since they were exiled from Europe. Granted that there are those who are conscious of larger global issues, the majority however remain stuck under a rock.

And as for Miss XX and all those wannabe divas...Phuc Dat! I cannot believe that there are people out there supporting her for that recent comment about wasting money on handicapped toilets. And its not because they agree with her, they support her because its just controversial. Sheesh. Get a backbone.

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh mai get me started on the Asian Invasion lah... Seriously, there are just waaaaaay too many Asians everywhere. I would not be surprised to find an Indian restaurant in Antarctica.

We should start a list of "You know the Asians have invaded when..."

"You know the Asians have invaded when the Victoria's Secret boutique uses Chinese looking mannequins"

11:32 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Hor hor Jun, aren't you contributing to the 'Asian' Invasion? Anyways, I don't see what the issue is... Its time to stop importing western culture and start exporting our own... Be it food, music or movies

12:41 AM  

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