Sunday, September 18, 2005

Happiness comes from within

It's amazing how you can be up in the clouds 1 day (metaphorically and literally), and life throws you a few curveballs and you're down flat on the ground the next day. But it happens. I believe that in life, good times and bad times come in cycles, and its how you cherish the good times and deal with the bad that determines how happy and satisfied a person you will be. As a person who just started a business, dealing with bad times comes really often. But I think that my current beliefs and attitude to life has brought me this far, and will bring me success in the future, in every aspect of my life, be it financial, family or social.

I have 3 philosophies in life (and I think 1 or 2 of my friends could really learn here), and they are:

1) Happiness comes from within. If you can control your emotions, you can control your actions, and in a sense, control your destiny. Easier said than done I know (and I am prone to the occasional angry outburst as well), but I think this is really important. Very simple things can make my day - seeing beautiful clouds in the sky, meeting a friendly receptionist, meeting a old friend, reading a funny comic. And when things get me down, I always try to find the silver lining. I tell myself, "why dwell on the bad things?". Take it as a lesson, or learning experience. I think a lot of people will be happier if they did that.

2) Treating people the way I want to be treated. I am sincere and honest with people, because I want to be treated the same way. I believe that majority of people have good intentions, which is why I trust easily, and try to see the good side of the person. I think that if people are treated nicely, they will respond to you in the same way. Of course, there are nasty people - people who take advantage of niceness. Well to those people I will show an uglier side of me. They don't deserve to be treated nice.

3) Every action makes a difference. I believe this, that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I believe that I can turn my business to be the multi-million dollar company, and every thing that I'm doing now will contribute towards that. I recycle whenever I can, because I believe that if everyone played their part, our planet will be in a much better condition. I really like the friendly culture in the U.S and Mexico, where strangers chat with each other on the bus, and help you whenever you seem to need it. If everyone in Singapore adopted the same attitude, Singapore would be a much nicer place. I try to do my part - I smile at the canteen auntie, I thank the bus driver for waiting, I give up my seat for the elderly. We should believe that we can make a difference, not only for ourselves but for others as well. If not, what's the point of being here (on Earth)? We only live so long. If we didn't make a difference, then we might as well be dead.

Despite feeling a bit down now, I know that with these attitudes, things will get better. I will make it better. After all, happiness comes from within.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice one. and yes, SOME people would do well learning from this. hang in there dude (or as Join would say, DUD).

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have scientific proof that Happiness does comes from within.

How is that? Well, sperms comes from within us...and when the sperms are released, happiness normally follows. This has been acknowledged by millions.

Nice entry though, kev. And do push on towards your goal! /salute!

I'll do my part...I'll love plants more from now on. Eventually, it will reach you. :)

8:21 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

thanks Kerwei. Hope you're having fun at CMU.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

YEAH TEILEXU!!! More "Pearls" of wisdom from the Holy One! May you continue to bless my humble blog with your divine presence.

9:50 PM  

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